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Business English | E-mail writing

Business English | E-mail writing

Nowadays; the globalization, the economy of global market and the changes in communications oblige many companies to communicate in English that's why they choose courses of Business English.

One of the topics considered is e-mail writing since it is a fast and useful way in the internal communication of the company or with other companies.

Which are the aspects that we have to take into account when writing a business or commercial e-mail?

First, we have to take into account to who it is addressed in order to decide if it is formal or informal. This determines the type of vocabulary and phrases used.

A brief subject always needs to be written indicating the purpose of the e-mail and it is important to mention if an attachment is enclosed in the body of the e-mail.

The initial salutation may vary depending on if we wkow the name of the person or not. If we do not have the name of the direct contact we can write Twhom it may concern or Dear Sir or Madam.

The final salutation must be formal and, in general, may contain expressions such as RegardsKind regardsBest regards, Yours sincerely.

Finally, proofread your writing to spot and correct the mistakes. Edit it to improve it.

The courses of Business English are delivered individually or in groups in our office, at the student's house or in companies. We always take a placement test so that students the correct material and an adequate level.

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